Monday, December 10, 2007
I love you mom (finished)
Written by Linda Greenlaw
Rich could have lots of different means for people. Usually people see it as wealthy. However, in this paragraph the author feels love in the other way. Her mom is a great person who always has a positive view of everything. Like what she always told to author and the other 3 her children, life is good because they have the best father in the world. And the most important her mom did is giving a love unit to her family.
Simply Wonderful
Written by Daniel Rodriguez
In this article, the author’s mom is a simple person who worked in a factory with a sewing machine. And childhood life of Daniel’s is simply also. Why did I use that much simple? Because the purpose that lead author to write this entire essay is to explain the importance of simple. Since the author’s parents were immigrate to the State everything for them was new. Therefore, the life for her entire was hard. The mom didn’t face down to those problems. She managed and supported her family’s life simply.
My Opinion
After I went through these two paragraphs, they give me lots of new ideas for life. First, I know “rich” is not only based on asset; however, it could be something invisible. For example, like love, or some spiritual touch from soul. Second, I found a common with the second mom which “simple” is good.
The Lennon Companion 170 - 248
Next expression of this book is his couple solo albums that are criticized by people. After the end of the Beatles, the members released their solo albums. John Lennon and Paul MacCartney have been compared as definitely two different types of great song writers. At the first time of their solo activities, John and Paul fought each other because of one reason that is related to Yoko. His first album 'imagine' showed his first expression of peace. This song, everyone knows, is still remarkable in the world. After released this album, he and she energetically campaigned against Vietnam War. Then FBI watched their activity against the war. They were criticized by people who agreed with the war. However a lot of young people followed him because he was charisma and his massage affected to the world so that American government was afraid of him. Then John and Yoko were exiled from the United States. But they stayed there. He had stopped to release albums for five years because he had been a house husband. However he released his last album ' Double Fantasy' that shows love he thinks. Sadly, he was killed by his wild fan. It is really wrong that murders become famous because they kill famous person.
At the end of this book, author says his biography and the Beatles life. His massages that appeal to us are shown by this book.
I am done to read this book finally. and it was hard to read and summarize. However this book shows his life that is interesting for me. His life is great and wonderful. As a member of the most famous group in the world, he had been appealing peace. He though love can change the world. His interesing word is I'm not hero but you are hero which means you should do something by yourself. His massages are still alive and yesterday was the anniversary of his death. I think if each person faces and hopes seriously, this world will be better. He taught me a lot of things.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Harry Potter 8 Gabriella
Today was a terrible day for Harry! He went into the dungeon which he had been there before. There were many people there. They all wore plum-colored robes. Cornelius Fudge who was the Minister of Magic sat in the middle of them. At first, he asked Harry some questions and created difficulties for Harry. And then the only one who can saved Harry appore in the dungeon. He was Dumbledore. Harry explained why he had to use magic before his brother's eyes. And he had explained that the dark load had come back, but Cornelius didn't believe him. He thought it was total wrong! And Dumbledore helped Harry, but there was no good reason. That maked Harry pretty angry, but he could do nothing. But Dumbledore said that the things which happened to Harry was just a little things, why it has already become the pracitice to hold a full criminal trial to deal with a simple matter of underage magic. And that made Cornelius feel very uncomfortable. Finally, Harry survived I think.
update:Gossip Girl
There was a girl which called Gossip Girl ran a blog about her fellow the upper east siders. She knew every single secret among them,but no one knew about her. At Blair's Party, everyone got the message from Gossip girl she said that Serena was appeared at central station. Serena is Blair's best friend who left without saying last quarter. But now she was appeared, everyone was talking about her, they try to guess what will happened next. When Blair was enjoy with her boyfriend Nate, she heard someone was calling her that Serena was coming. Blair was very angry with Serena because of her left. She represented very unfriendly that everyone can see it. So Serena felt it and left right away. Everyone was blabbing about it, why she left and why she was back. Serena and Blair was study at the same school. S try to act as B's best friend as usual, but B didn't think so. She already had some new friend instead of S. S wanted to have a conversation with B, she wanted their friendship back. There had too many secret between them, it's not like that easy to made it back. At the same time, Nate went to see S, he loved her. But S told him, he was her best friend's boyfriend, she didn't want anything happened to hurt her best friend. But we know things can't be that easy,no secret for gossip girl. B will know it sooner or later.
First I watched that Tv show, I like it. So I bought this book. There had something different between the book and show no all of them. I really want to know who is that mysterious girl. Why she can know everything about those people. How she can send the message to everyone.
Is she a student who study with them or what else. I am very intersented about her. Also I am interested in what's kind of life the upper east side people had. Was it good or bad. What's going to happened to S and B? Will they back together or they become enemy?You know you love me ,X.O.X.O Gossip girl.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Hatchet by Gary Paulsen page : 99-189 (Finish)
In order to survive, Brian must have food. He hunt animal, such as fish, and bird. It is hard for Brian who live in big city to hunt such that animal. Day by day, he become stronger and stronger. With his intelligent, he make a ponds for the fish he catch and make a high place to place his food so no animal can take his food. He use bow and spear to catch animal. is not easy to catch animal, sometimes he got wild animal in front of him so he can't catch the animal. Finally he found the plane in water. he swim and try to open the door, but it can't. the door is stuck. He open with his hatchet. he go inside and try to find any survival pack. he try to use radio transmitter but its broken. when he prepare for his meal, he hear that plane sound come to him. He can't believe it. He survive. The pilot hear his signal from transmitter signal. the pilot take he home. he is save now.
Finally, i finish this book, and also 300 pages. actually 319 pages :). I try to summaries as short as i can. i just take good point on it. i think Brian is smart, brave, and have good mental. He can survive from that accident. Try to eat anything, and never ever think to give up. finally, i finish write the blog. no blog anymore. i can enjoy any week end now. :p
Hatchet by Gary Paulsen page : 99-189 (Finish)
In order to survive, Brian must have food. He hunt animal, such as fish, and bird. It is hard for Brian who live in big city to hunt such that animal. Day by day, he become stronger and stronger. With his intelligent, he make a ponds for the fish he catch and make a high place to place his food so no animal can take his food. He use bow and spear to catch animal. is not easy to catch animal, sometimes he got wild animal in front of him so he can't catch the animal. Finally he found the plane in water. he swim and try to open the door, but it can't. the door is stuck. He open with his hatchet. he go inside and try to find any survival pack. he try to use radio transmitter but its broken. when he prepare for his meal, he hear that plane sound come to him. He can't believe it. He survive. The pilot hear his signal from transmitter signal. the pilot take he home. he is save now.
Finally, i finish this book, and also 300 pages. actually 319 pages :). I try to summaries as short as i can. i just take good point on it. i think Brian is smart, brave, and have good mental. He can survive from that accident. Try to eat anything, and never ever think to give up. finally, i finish write the blog. no blog anymore. i can enjoy any week end now. :p
Friday, December 7, 2007
Understanding September 11th
-Some people in the Middle East resent America because of oil. They think America is an outside invader. The first exploded their resentment in Iran. The shah accepted American could business in Iran and tried to bring western ideas. However, he refused to bring democracy to his government because he didn’t want to lose power. Therefore, Iranian students blamed American for keeping the shah in power for a long time. They took fifty-took Americans hostage. They kept hostages for more than a year. At that time, they almost every day burnt American flags. Because of Taliban, America attacked Afghanistan after on 9/11. When Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, America helped Afghanistan because America doesn’t want oil country Afghanistan become another Russian province. The Taliban were strict Islamist Afghans. The Taliban was started a small village in southern Afghanistan. They disregard woman. All women were forbidden to work except work in hospital. They were strict to everything such as TV was forbidden, music was forbidden and so on. Osma Bin Laden an important ally to the Taliban. After America attacked, many of the Taliban were captured. But, still many Taliban fled into the mountains and hills. Islamists forbid eating port of drink alcohol, and women with men in public places. Osma Bin Laden is the most infamous terrorist of all time. After September 11th, many American’s patriotism becomes strong.
Al Qaeda means “the base” in Arabic. Taliban means “students of Islam”, the militantly Islamist group that ruled Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001.
-I read all pages. From this book, I realized many things. This book includes detail information about terrorist, Islam and so on. I know Afghanistan involved september attack newly. I don't understand why Islam women are treated that way by man. I'm not sure current situation, but according to this book Islam women can't eat with man, stay with man and so on. It's so unfair. I'm curious current situation. Before I read this book, I didn't know about Taliban and Al Qaeda very well. This book gave me a lot of information about Taliban and Al Qaeda. It's really useful book.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Matilda ch 12
they shall be quite in the clase when Miss Headmistress come here. also, Miss Honey told which student should be follow.Frist, MISS HEADMISTRESS is so strict person so that you must be politeness. Second, make sure your clothes, and face are clean. Third, when she ask question to you, you have to stand up. Dont try to be funny even though you answer a completed answer. because of ur attitute, u will make angry with her. In additon, she is going to test what have you learned in this week. So, studnet must remember those what Miss Honey taught.
Actually, all students dont like MISS HEADMISTRESS becuase she always blame them. A girl who decide to catch a frog and then she will put into Miss Headmistress's big cup. she dont want to tell anyone about her plan even her best friend, Matilda.Finally. she did.
Hatchet Pages 167----189
In the morning, Brian opens the survival pack, and he finds some stuff and some food.However, he is very surprising that he finds an emergency.He trys to use that, but it is broken.After that, when he starts to prepare his meal, he hears a sound which is a plane flies and land on the lake. A pilot comes out and tell to Brian that he hears the transmitter signal. Brian couldn't believe that this situation will happen to him. He just say to the pilot "My name is Brian Robeson."
After that, he later knows the man who is a fur buyer mapping Cree trapping camps.In additon ,Brian had lost weight a lot in his body. However, some reporters are very interesting about his story, but not too long. While his parents were so happy that their some was survival,Brian decide he never tell his father about the secret.
Finally, I finish to read 300 pages. Also, I finish to read hatchet this book. It is a good book. I'm so happy that someone rescue the Brian. He doesn't need to stay in desert island anymore. At the end of this story, he met his parents and he didn't tell his father about the secret. I think he did a good jop.Brian is a good person. Also,he has a strong mind let him has been livung in the island for a long time. I feel I really like Brian's personality.Never give up!!
Monday, December 3, 2007
In this part HP,Ron and Hermione had a very bad time to hide themselve in the Black's house.They kept one of the Death Eater inside and tried to get the information from him. Whenever that guy wakes up, HP strongly put his wand in front of that guy and force him to give HP the information about Voldermort, but he was so scared so he told them not to kill him and told some information that made HP,Ron and Hermione cant believe at him. HP argued with Ron and Hermione for a few day about the plan that they want to raid inside of the minister of Magic. And one of that day,they got the very shock news that the new principal of the Hogwart school now will be Snape who used to be the Dart-Art teacher when Mr. Dumbledore alive. HP,Ron and Hermione got this news and they really care about the students and the teachers who are teaching and studying in Hogwart school right now.Voldermort now controls everything from Minister of Magic to the school.HP,Ron and Hermione made up the plan that they will raid into the minister of magic to find out the information about everything happen.Ron said that the "Invisible Cloak" now is too small for 3 of them so they need to make and bring some potion with them to make them change to the people who work in the minister.As the plan going,HP had to change to a big guy and acts like that guy which made him had nervous a few time.
In my opion, HP has to do to much stuff and he has to found out what is true about Mr.Dumbledore childhood.He heard too much thing about Dumbledore,one side said that Dumbledore is a very talent kid and very succeed in his life before he died,another side said that he has a very poor and convict so that he inherit the convict mind from his sister.HP got so confused about what he need to know,he want to find out what is the real happen to him and to Dumbledore.He still confused about why Dumbledore gave him the quidditch ball after all.Ron and Hermione cant ignore HP's plan even they get scared of that plan because they are very close and best friends that HP only has.I think the story get more and more exciting and challenging when everybody get closer and closer to help HP,and Voldermort tries to control everything as he can.I really like HP because of its challenge.
Cross- James Patterson P.84-94
In the other part of the story, it was about a poor little boy’s childhood who was the hit man- Michael Sullivan. He was abused by his father who was a pedphilia.
It’s surprised me! Sullivan was not born to hit man. I thought many bad guys come from their background. It’s why family education is so important.
I love you mom PG178-PG226
Written by Bobby Flay
Bobby’s mom Dorothy Flay is a very positive person. She always show her support to not only her own family, but also those people who live around her. Especially, the author who was a student with very bad attitudes, her mom shows even more love to change him. A good story which the author shows us in this article is a great example. The author was escape from class as usual. His mom received phone call from school again, she finally got mad with him. She went down the place where the author was usually hanged out. She just went there grab him but did nothing. The author became a chef mostly because of his mom. The first cooking experience he ever could remember was at his mom’s kitchen. The mom’s helped a lot for his son, Bobby Flay, to achieve his life goal.
Also Known as “Mom”
Written by Jamie-Lynn Siegler
Everyone should have several special names to describe their moms. Like what author says “Advice, cheering up, a good shopping day, a nice lunch” could all be her mom’s names. The author’s mom shows her supports on her daughter are easy to see. When Jamie, at the year of her seventh year, said she wanted to be an actress. Her mom didn’t take it as a child’s joke. She took it very seriously. After she achieved the goal and finally became an actress, her mom was proud and attended every show the author played. Also, her mom is a very positive person that she never complained about anything. Even though she got busy schedule very often, she still enjoy it and the best is she will let other people enjoy it, too.
My Opinion
After I went trough the two paragraphs above, I found one thing in common between those moms is they are all very positive people. The first mom has divorced, raised the boy by herself, at New York City. But she never gave up anything. The second mom is a busy person. However, she never complained about busy life, and finished everything perfect. Beside, those opinions, the most important thing I learned from these two articles is a sentence “throughout their lives, through those ups and downs, ins and outs.” I think this sentence is very nice, it carries a feel in it.
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen P 1-52
A story in the nineteenth century, in England. The Bennet family in Meryton, in Hamphshire, who have five daughters. Mr Bennet want his five daughters get marry as soon as possible. He wanted money really bad. It's all over his mind. Jane and Elizabeth like to talk about love. Mary like things in romance. The youngest sister, Kitty and Lydia do not understand what's love. The Bennet's family were invinted into Bingley's party. Bingley is a rich man who earn ten thousand pound per year. His best friend, Mr. Darcy was invited too. Mr. Darcy is a good looking man and he 's rich. Althought he got bad temper, he 's a nice person. Mr. Bingley like Jane that he been dancing with twice. On the way back home, Jane was sick and Bingley talked to every doctors and tried his best that could help. Elizabeth worried about her.
I think this book it's much easlier to read. Thus, the words it's easier and the content of this book it's much more interesting. As I like reading book about love. Jane was sick on the way home, Bingley tried his best to find a helpful doctor. I think this is one of the way to show love. But something the impress me is what Elizabeth did to her sister Jane. Even though, Jane was taking good care by Bingley, she went back just to make sure everything goes fine. I really do want a sister like Elizabeth who can give me a good care of love.
The Old man and the Sea P65--127 by Bing
After I read this book, I understand a lot thing in our life. The old man who fishing in the sea for 84 days. He never worried about something or to be scared something. Everyone think he was a loser, but he proved he is a winner. We must keep our head clear every time in our life. No one alive for be defeated. We should believe we can do something, even we fail couple times, we still should have confidence, like the old man, he fishing all the time, he was never give up. In the future, I will never worry about some difficulty things. I will never give up, kind like study, sometimes I will have some problem, I will never give up and study hard. Because I believe myself. I can do everything I want to do. The faith is one of the cause for success. If you have faith, You will be winner, and impossible is nothing. The book “the old man and the old sea” is a very good book, the book tells me a lot sense. And a lot sentences in this book Is very great. I wrote some on my notebook already. Nice book.
At first I thought Pooh is stupid. I might be wrong.After I finished this book I think Pooh is smart.Even smarter than everyone in the story.Who benefits the most in the story?Who cheated the food successfull?Who ate the most honey and who got a party and pencial case?"Yes, it's true that Pooh gets punished, but the punishments are always gentle, and no one suffers too much."(Tim) He pretend he is stupid so that he can cheat his friend easily.He traded the thinnest price for fattest benefit.And I can prove Pooh's friends don't like him either.What did Robin give to Pooh?Pencials!!!Pooh event hasn't a finger,how can he use a pencial?Is Robin stupid?Or he is laughing Pooh "You just a silly bear!Don't pretend human!This is called 'pencial' and not for you mix of water and honey!!"
I Have a Dream pg:1-67
i have already finished more than 300 pages..^^ it was quite hard for me to read english books..everytime i tell myself i can do it.....This is a real story,i like it so much nowadays,black people and white people are fight anymore...but in 20th century,black people were very pity..Martin Luther king was a great man ..
I am so surprise that how can a bear and a boy sit on the "umbrella boat" and the boat didn't sink.How big is the umbrella and how light is the silly bear. He had just aten four bottles of honey.
The Lennon Companion 126 - 170
The next topic of them goes to last three original albums. The Beatles, called white album, released. The author said thirty songs in white album are various. No one achieved to make such a great album in this year. Then Abbey Road and Let It Be released. He explained about these songs. He didn't explain their last LP, Let It Be, much more than Abbey Road. He said the last LP is not so variety and does not attempt large musical construction as Abbey Road.
At that time, the Beatles were not good relationship each other. Therefore, they recorded on by theirthelves. Sadly, this book said Yoko Ono broke the Beatles up. I don't think so, because John Lennon may be not interested in the Beatles even if he didn't meet her anyway.
In my opinion, this book is little bit hard to read for me... Especially, vocaburaly is hard. I'll try to read this book completly, though about 60 pages left.
Hatchet Pages 142---166
When the storm is gone, he has to clean up his "house" and find new food, wood, and make the fire.However, he can't find some food,because the moose hide in somewhere.At the result, he just can eat the fish.In additon, the storm made the airplane rise on the water.Brian use the raft go to the airplane,but he can't open the airplane door. The plane's wing obstruction the plane's door,so he can't go inside.
I'm so surprise that Brian did a lot of amazing things. Now, he don't need to eat fruit everyday.He catch the animal by using his weapon. He is becoming to a strong man. when the moose collide and the strom comes, he just think he has to save himself. He wants to alive.I like this kind of person, never weak. Even though he is weak , he still try to save himself. When I read this book, I feel the protagonist teaches me many new things. I realize that even I happen a bad thing, I don't have to be weak.
Harris an Me 75-100
This is a really interesting short story in this book. Gary just came to the farm. He doesn’t know anything in there. At first, he kicked by a caw. And then, he was scared by a rooster. But he thinks there is more fun. I really like read the part which talks about the way Harris talks to him even some bad words.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Charlotte's Web written by E. B. White
Wilbur wondered at how Charlotte's web was made, and he tried to make web by his self being taught by Charlotte. Of course, he couldn't, and he gave up. Wilbur's anxiety of his death was getting bigger, and he asked to Charlotte who promised to save him how can she save him. She didn't tell everything, but she told that she was working about it seriously and persuaded him not to worry about it.A boy, Avery, tried to capture Charlotte when he saw her. As he trying, he broke the egg which had been given to Templeton by the goose. Because of the smell of the broken egg, he couldn't keep trying, then he ran away from the pig pen. Thus, the rotten egg saved Charlotte, but most of the inhabitant in the farm complained about the terrible smell which spread to all over the barn. One day, it was foggy, Charlotte's web was decorated with dozens of beads of water, and there was a massage in the center of the web neartly woven in block letters. It said "some pig". Lurvy and Mr. and Mrs. Zuckerman was surprised at it. Mr. Zuckerman told the minister about it. Soon after, the news spead all over the country, and a lot of visitors came to the Zuckerman's pigpen to see the unusual pig. Fern prefer the previous barn which she could be all alone with her friends to the present barn which there are too many people.When the visitors were getting bored of the letters, Charlotte changed the letters "some pig" into "terrific", and she asked Templeton to bring a magazine clipping from the dump to find new words.Fern's mother hoped Fern would go out and play with other children, instead of heading for the barn to sit and watch animals. She told about Fern's behavior to a doctor, but the doctor said that don't worry, and let her do as she wants.Wilbur, Charlotte, and templeton went to Fair. At the time, the truck which they ride on got trouble that the truck with no one started to roll downhill. The truck was stopprd by Mr. Arable, who is Fern's father.
I think Charlotte is a very smart and kind spider. She not only saved Wilbur's life but also remove his loneliness.But she always take care of Wilbur, so I worry about Wilbur after she would leave.
Dragonwings p95-p112
What a pity that this blog is going to be my last one. I liked reading this novel even though it was hard to read in my poor ability of reading. I heard posting novel was the first attempt for level 4
and it was actually helpful to me. I strongly support to do Blog whether in level 4 but also other levels and I believe that doing Blog makes us to improve our reading skill. Finally, I can return this novel that I have borrowed from library for almost a month and half.
George's Marvelous Medicine by Roald Dahl page 1-89 (END)
This book is pretty funny. I have the same situation. I have a mean old grandma, too. My grandparents live with my parents, so I have to listen all the annoying words from my parents and also my grandma. Sometimes i wish she was gone, but sometimes she makes me laugh. I don;t actually want her away because she makes me happy sometimes. If she is gone I will feel sad like George did. I think it is kind of weird. Even though your grandparents treats you bad and annoys you, they still love you. If you hated your grandparents and wanted them to disappered so badly and suddenly disappers you will feel funny like George.
Harry Potter 7 Gabriella
It was a good morning! But I think Harry had a bad dream as usual. When he woke up, he saw Mrs.Weasley stood behind his bed and Ron still opened his wipe mouth and falled a sound sleep. And when Harry went into the kitchen, he saw the people who he knew had sat there already and had a talk. And Harry was so happen, because he could join the conversation. When they began their talking, Harry just knew that they were talking bout Harry's things that he saw evil with his stupid brother last time. And Harry should be juged because he used power behind magou. They told Harry that he would be all right, and donnot be worried about it. They would try to help him. And Mr. Weasley went with Harry, I think maybe he could help him. I donnot think Harry knows what he should do and what he should say. But later they received the judge time have changed. I think it is a good thing. And finally Harry went into the courtroom alone. I really want to know what will happen.
Update:Inner Circle
Cheyenne was packing her stuff in her room, Reed walked by her room. Cheynne got angry on Reed,she thought Reed told the headmaster everything she did. The reason why she got out from Billing was cause by Reed. Next morning Reed waked up by someone's screaming.Reed went with Sabine, they want to know what happened. They saw people all stand in front of Cheyenne's room. Kiki was crying by Cheyenne's bed. It seemed something bad happened. Yes, Cheyenne she killed herself by pills. She was long gone.Just like the movie, the police came put the yellow tape around the building. Reed was the only person who went to Cheyenne's room last night, and people who want to help her packing found she was died. It sounds like a plan, Cheyenne had planned this for a long time. She want everyone thought that she was been killed. It was scraed.Reed went to Josh house , she told Josh she was wrong before. She know all the things now. Sabine found her in the afternoon, to see if she was Okay or not. Reed told Sabine she will go to New York with Josh to his parents house. She just want to live for a few days, just want out of here for a while. Sabine told her it's doesn't matter if she will leave. She told Reed just feel free in NY don't think about here. Everything will be okay. When Reed checked her e-mail she found before Cheyenne dead she sent Reed an e-mail, she said that Reed ruined her life. She didn't know that Reed didn't tell the headmaster what she had done. That's sad. Josh came to see Reed and then went to a resturant. At the resturant, what surprised Reed, that she saw she best friend Nicole. Last year they were best friends ,but Nicole went to another place this year. So Reed was surprised to see her here. Nicole knew what happened, she said that everything happened for a reason. But no one know it.
The end. Everything was finished. Cheyenne dead. Reed left. Nicole back. It seemed to be a new start without Cheyenne.It was sad that Cheyenne killed herself just because she was expelled from Billing. No matter what happened she can't stopped her life like that easy. This story just tell us don't act as an evil. The bad thing you did it will all back to yourself. Be nice to everyone. Be nice to yourself too.
HIGH HEAT by Carl Deuker pages 193-235
At first, Shane's teammates laughed at the Korean boy who called Kim Seung.After they saw him to play, they didn't laugh as he played quite well. They had a game was against Eastgate and Eastgate thought Shane's team was worthless, but Shane's team won the game. On Thursday, they against Washington High School. After they won the game, Grandison talked to a man who is coach at University of Portland. The coach called Dave Wood and he wanted to know more about Shane. One day, Grandison asked Shane to his office and let Shane alked to coach Dravus. Coach Dravus said if Shane can keep his number high, maybe he can get the baseball scholarship. At that night, Shane explained to his mon that he might not get the scholarship. After that, he went to library with Marian. He found out that Reese was going to against O'Dea. Shane went and watched this game, but Reese felt very nervous so he didn't play well.
On Saturday, coach Dravus came to Shane's house and explained about the scholarship to Shane's mon.
I found that this story is really interesting, it is hard to guess what's going on. Just like Shane told Reese that truth. I thought it was an exactly accident.I felt surprise at this fact. Also, I am glad that Shane played well and he might get the baseball scholarship. It is really good for Shane and his mother. Shane should do his best to keep the grade high and get the baseball scholarship. On the other hand, I like Reese because he still can be friend with Shane after he knew the truth. I felt sorry about Reese to play worse than before. I think he is such a good guy that he can forgave Shane. It will be so sad if he can't play as well as he did before. I hope Shane can help Reese because he also help himself to get out of the nightmare.
I can't wait to read the ending, and I hope it is a happy ending.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Hatchet by Gary Paulsen page : 36-99
This story is interesting, but still i have to spend lot of time just for know some idea, because of 'unimportant' words. Brian is smart boy, and also he is very lucky. If i were him, i don't know what to do. Maybe i will become scared and confuse because the tragic. I must finish this 189 pages book fast, because next week is final test :(
Understanding September 11th
-On september 11th nineteen men killd more than thousand people. They were all terrorists from Middle Eastern nations and belonged to al Qaeda,led by a man named Osama bin Laden. Many terrorists lived in South Florida and some of them began taking lessons at local tlight school. Even terrorists were living in the U.S, U.S goverment didn't know that because they lived like american and their plan didn't need a lot of money and weapons. Terrorists don't believe they are doing anything wrong. Terrorism is ciolent acts seem random and senseless. Al Qaeda members believe God is on their side when they murder. Even though Osama bin Laden thanked Allah for the success of the attacks, most Muslims were horrified by what happened on September 11th. Islam is on of the world's lasgest religions. It was begun by the prophet Muhammad. Qur'an is the holy book of Islam. Muslims believe the God recited its words to Muhammad. It still occur like a war in the middle east because of religion.
-This book show nineteen people's face. Actually, they aren't look like horrible people. I can't understand why they are acting like that and what is benefit. Also, very curious how they believe their God so deeply. I was very surprised about their perfect plan. This book is interesting but, too much information. It is include not only about attack but also religion, country.
Harry Potter and Sorcerer's Stone, chapter 14-15 on pg 228-261
In these chapter, these stories is also very exciting because dragon and unicorn that are imaginary animals appeared. In addition, I knew the Forbbiden Forest surrounds severe darkness and something will happen soon there. Almost I knew Something to steal Sorcerer's Stone is Voldemort who is the lord of the dark magic, and he is going to take an endless life through sorcerer's Stone.