Friday, December 7, 2007

Understanding September 11th

Understanding September 11th by Mitch Frank 60-130

-Some people in the Middle East resent America because of oil. They think America is an outside invader. The first exploded their resentment in Iran. The shah accepted American could business in Iran and tried to bring western ideas. However, he refused to bring democracy to his government because he didn’t want to lose power. Therefore, Iranian students blamed American for keeping the shah in power for a long time. They took fifty-took Americans hostage. They kept hostages for more than a year. At that time, they almost every day burnt American flags. Because of Taliban, America attacked Afghanistan after on 9/11. When Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, America helped Afghanistan because America doesn’t want oil country Afghanistan become another Russian province. The Taliban were strict Islamist Afghans. The Taliban was started a small village in southern Afghanistan. They disregard woman. All women were forbidden to work except work in hospital. They were strict to everything such as TV was forbidden, music was forbidden and so on. Osma Bin Laden an important ally to the Taliban. After America attacked, many of the Taliban were captured. But, still many Taliban fled into the mountains and hills. Islamists forbid eating port of drink alcohol, and women with men in public places. Osma Bin Laden is the most infamous terrorist of all time. After September 11th, many American’s patriotism becomes strong.
Al Qaeda means “the base” in Arabic. Taliban means “students of Islam”, the militantly Islamist group that ruled Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001.

-I read all pages. From this book, I realized many things. This book includes detail information about terrorist, Islam and so on. I know Afghanistan involved september attack newly. I don't understand why Islam women are treated that way by man. I'm not sure current situation, but according to this book Islam women can't eat with man, stay with man and so on. It's so unfair. I'm curious current situation. Before I read this book, I didn't know about Taliban and Al Qaeda very well. This book gave me a lot of information about Taliban and Al Qaeda. It's really useful book.

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