Saturday, December 1, 2007

Harry Potter and Sorcerer's Stone, chapter 14-15 on pg 228-261

In Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback, chater 14, Harry, Ron, and Hermonie worried the next exam by coming soon and were doing a lot of homework in the library Someday, Hagrid showed them a dragon's egg. A dragon baby was born soon and Hagrid called Nobert. However, they realized raising dragons is illegal, so they tried to send Nobert to Charlie, Ron's brother, studying dragons in Romania. At midnight Saturday, they wore the invisiliblity cloak with Nobert, met Charlie and his friend at the top of the tallest tower and sent Nobert safely.

In the Forbidden Forest, chapter 15, Harry and his friends took 50 points because they were caugth to do suspicious activity las night. Harry, Hermione, and Neville are told to report to Hagrid that night for their detention in the Fobidden Forest. Malfoy was also given detention. In the Forbbiden Forest, they saw some traces of unicornblood on the ground and went into the Fobbiden Forest. Harry thought Voldemort was drinking unicorn blood to live longer until he stole Sorcerer's Stone to give an endless life.

In these chapter, these stories is also very exciting because dragon and unicorn that are imaginary animals appeared. In addition, I knew the Forbbiden Forest surrounds severe darkness and something will happen soon there. Almost I knew Something to steal Sorcerer's Stone is Voldemort who is the lord of the dark magic, and he is going to take an endless life through sorcerer's Stone.

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