Sunday, November 11, 2007

The sounding of the call 105-137

After Buck’s wound get well, Buck leads a team to 6 dogs 70 miles up the Yukon. John Thornton who saved Buck in the fight hunts for their food each day. Buck’s job is save John and patrol during the night. One night he heard an ancient call deep in the forest. He went into the forest and he saw a timber wolf. Wishing to make friends with the wolf, but the wolf wasn’t afraid of him until finally the wolf understands Buck's intentions, and they sniff noses. One day, after Buck beat a wild moose, it took him a long time, he went back to the camp to fine John. As he got closer to camp, he suddenly began to feel that something very bad has happened. Everyone has been shot and killed with feathered arrows. He saw a Indian chief, and leap at him. Buck kept killing him until the rest of the tribe runs away in terror. For a few moments, Buck pursues them, killing a few more as they attempt to flee. Buck is really sad because of John’s death. He is the only ideal master he had. That night Buck heard the call once more, he knew leaving is good for him. Nothing remained to hold him. The wolf pack came and wanted to eat the bodies. But they come to a halt upon seeing Buck. One of the wolf stroke Buck, there is no way he can beat the best dog’s leader. Suddenly, the wolf’s neck was broken. The wolves beaten by Buck, and he became the leader of the woods.

I am really admire Buck even through he is a dog. He has love, loyalty, leadership and intelligence. He is so brave! It’s hard to imagine wolves are afraid of a dog. He can beat a moose even a bear. I think buck knows the truth “ be killed or killed them”. He use his loyalty to treat John because John saved him once. The writer wants us to admire, and also learn from him. I really love Buck more than love this book.

1 comment:

Tim said...

Yes, Buck certainly has learned the lesson of kill or be killed. He also learned about loyalty; even after John's death, Buck is loyal. However, now he can no longer be a follower, he must be a leader.