Sunday, November 11, 2007

Matilda ch8-9

This chapter talked about Matilda' school headmistress. the school mistress's name is Miss Trunchbull. she hadan obstinate chin, a cruel mouth and small arrogant eyes.She is such a unfriendly person in the school. She alway had on brown cotton smock and wilde leather belt. One day, Matilda's teacher, Miss Honey entered to the headmistress's room and wanted to talk to Miss Trynchbull something that she has an amazing stundent,Matilda. In fact, the headmistress has already known this small girl becuase Matilda's father told to headmistress something worong and Matilda is a naughty child. Finally, they had arguement about Matilda was a naughty girl or not. Miss Honey trusted Matilda was a genuis girl in her class. Miss honey was so depressed about this thing. she thought she should find a way to help her in the end.
when Miss Honey meerged from the Headmistress's room. she was so tired but she still want to help Matilda's education. So, she decieded to give some books for Matilda to read.In addition, Her parent underestimated abilities of their own children.
One day,Miss Honey visited Matilda' s parents night. Matilda's father thought she made a trouble in the school. Actullay, it was not true and she is a smart girl. Miss Honey said. she was just four yrs old even though she was able to read high level book. No. she is suck a naughy child. the parent said. the parent still didn't believe about their own chid abilities.
in my opition, Matild was luck girl even though her parent didn't care about her. she has had a good teacher take care of her and given many chances for her.

1 comment:

Tim said...

With a name like "Miss Honey," you know the teacher must be a good person. On the other hand, with a name like "Trunchbull," which sounds ugly (and has "bull" in it), you can guess that the headmistress is not nice. Dahl liked to play with names. It's not realistic, but it's fun.

You need to work on your summarizing skills. This summary is too long.