Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Up from slavery, an autobiography by Booker T.Washington (page24to31)
I really like this chapter , it brought me back the poor in my country . I admire them much ;they have a great desire for knowledge although they are very poor and their passion for study make me more respect them .
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
-They are still traveling. A dense day, Huck wasn't tied up raft tightly. The raft float toward downstream. Huck jumped in to a canoe and followed but fog and huge island separated them. Fortunately, the after that day Huck found raft and jim. And Huck played a trick to Jim about dream. jim interpreted the dream. But, jim realized that was trick so, He was angry. Huck felt so bad what he did to Jim. Suddenly, Huck felt gility because of Jim. Jim was ran away from Miss Waston, that is crime. Huck thought even he was not help Jim to escape that house, he knew Jim was ran away. Huck thought that also part of crime.Therefore Huck decided indict Jim. But, Jim said Huck is the only friend he's got and only white man who keep promise for him so, Huck change his mind. Their adventure start again to find Cairo that was Jim said place 'give him free'. When people go to bed, they are traveling and when people get up, they hid raft then enjoy fishing or sleep.
-I think real adventure start now and author say about socity problem soon.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Matilda ch 6
The story begins when HP met all the member of orders. They were Mad-eye, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, Mr Weasley, Lupin, Fleur, Kingsley, Hagrid, Mundungus Fletcher, Tonks and Bill. Their plans will be move HP to another safety place, which is Tonks's parents house. And all of them allow to use the Portkey to the Burrow. Everybody use potion to change their outfit just like HP and carry stuff just like HP too. They will move as a pair, and one in the two will be the fake HP. Mad-eye is a person who lead this movement. HP will go with Hagrid in the motobike, he will sit on the sidecar. As the time come, the rest of them use broom to move and they all head up at the same time. As they think that, they swerved Voldermort already so Voldermort will not know the plan except someone in the order betray them. HP and Hagrid just fly for a quite time, and unfortunately they saw the Death Eater appeare, HP and Hagrid had a hard time to fight again them. By mistake HP and Hagrid killed the Hedwig, the owl which belong with HP almost 7 years he studies in Hogwart. HP and Hagrid fought againt the Death Eater for a long time and the scar of HP was hurting him, suddenly he saw Voldermort fly next to him, HP was scare and he used the stun spell to get away from Voldermort. Voldermort chasing HP for a few minutes and suddenly disappear. HP and Hagrid were so surprise because both of them thought that they were nearly die. HP woke up and yell Hagrid name. In his mind, his uncle, his parents and his pet are leaving him. He doesnt want to lose anyone he knows and he loves again.As the story move on. Everybody get to Tonks's parents house.George lost his ear. And for a long time to wait everybody get home. They got the breaking news...that made everybody feel break down inside, because Mad-eye dead. Voldermort killed Mad-eye. HP feel more and more angry and stupid more than ever. Because of him, alot of people died.
In my opion about this part, this part is so awesome, as the writer did. She wrote about everything just so amazing, HP and Hagrid have to fight again 4 Death Eater and then Voldermort. This part make me feel excited to read more and more about HP journal. So challenging.Hope you guy like my summerize.
The Devil wears Prada(Pg114-Pg160)
Andy already recognitied from Miranda which means she did something well. When Andy is focusing on her job, Alex(her boyfriend) feels not good for her because she is changed. Andy is always concerning about her boss Miranda and her twins and so on. As you know, Miranda calls to Andy any time that she needs help. Miranda's style is to be ready before she gets office. One day, Emily shouted to Andy that 'she is on her way in', however Andy does not get it. It means that has to be ready before she gets office. Every people who work in 'Runway' is in a hurry; chaging their shoes, taking a make-up, cleaning the office, setting the books and so on. On the other hand, the vedio shows us the scene very first. After then, Andy went to party and fashion show with Miranda. The book says about Miranda that she is crazy about her work, however Andy is smilier to her character from now on.
This weekend was really hard to read this book because I was not feel good for a while and the book was hard!!! There are so many vocabularies. I mean Andy expressed a lot of adjectives on the sentense. And I did not know Andy cancelled the oppointment with her boyfriend that much. I think that focusing on one's work is cool. Andy's style is giving me some thoughts about my future.
The Lennon Companion pg 69 - 82
One day, John Lennon stated We are more famous than Jesus now. It caused a lot of problems. People can't ignore its statement.
John Lennon, stated Jesus, had confidence to be famous in the world. I think this statement was so scared. I respect him but I can't agree much with this statement.
The memory keeper's daughter p96-138
In the chapter 5-7, Carolina bring the baby girls to the other city, and try to rise the girl up, but because the baby have Down's syndrome, so it a knd of different to teacher the baby girl anything. So carolina was trying her best, also she was lucky that her neighbor also have a Down,s syndrome baby, so thay can try to teach the baby together, and the both baby get very friendly and grow up together.
It is a two different family from Dr.David and carolina, because Dr. David family is upset about the baby girl have Down's syndrome, and she can't let her wife know, and the Carolina take the baby away and raise the girl up, and they having a good time together. 1 lose and 1 agai equal to a big different, happy and sad. there is a kind of life that great fro Carolina and the suck life of Dr.David family after they born the baby.
The Old Man and Sea P50--65
Until now, I think that is a great book! The writer trys to use an old fishman's story to tell us some life truth! And what is loney and Die. I really like these two sentences, "But he could see the prisms in the deep dark water and the line stretching ahead and the strange undulation of the calm." "Although it is unjust, he thought. But I will show him what a man can do and what a man endures." These two sentences help me to understand a lot things. WHat is a life, and what should I do when I have difficulties or feel lonly. That is a really good book.
“Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul II” by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and Kimberly Kirberger. Pages 100-125.
Ann disliked Valentine’s Day because she was plain – not ugly, but not beautiful. In Valentine’s Day, she overlooked the fact that her cards were not oversized like those of the popular girls, and did not contain the love notes like those of the pretty girls. But later, in middle school, Valentine’s Day is only for the pretty and the popular girl, not for Ann. At such a time, stories of ugly ducklings that will one day turn into beautiful swans do not assuage the hurt and rejection. In Subsequent years Ann became pretty and turned many a boy’s head, even years later, grown and with a family of her own.
Today, Ann’s family includes two boys in middle school. For a dollar, their Student Council will deliver a Valentine’s Day carnation. Ann gives a dollar to each of her children to buy flowers for their girlfriend. Then she adds another dollar apiece with this instruction: “Pick another girl, one who is nice, but plain – someone who probably won’t get a flower. Send her a flower anonymously. That way she will know that someone cares, and she will feel special.”
I like this story so much because she does not forget those long-ago days of rejection and dejection. She really knows that how pain it was so she wants her children to give a flower to a girl who will not get a flower. She doesn’t want someone who will be her, too. Actually, Valentine’s Day is not only hurt some girls, even some boys. Just because they don’t look handsome, no girls will girl them chocolate, even they are really nice and kind. That is nobody cares. They only care what they look like. By the way, give a flower to a boy or girl who will not get a flower. That way she will know that someone care, and he/she will feel special.
"It Couldn't happen to me -by Beth Johnson" P.48~59
After that, she had got a ney boy friend; he was 20 years old. He was special for her because he was handsome, had a car, had a job, and attending a college. Unfortunately, being involved with boyfriend made her even less interested in school, so she told her mother she wanted to quit school because she wanted to be lazy and hang out with her boyfriend. Meanwhile, boyfriend had begun making extra money by selling drugs. She didn't like that, but her boyfriend never aggressive, and abusive to her, exactly good boy, so she ignored his activities as much as she could. Then, when she just turned 18 years old, her periods had stopped. her boyfriend said "Don't worry.",but she told her mother about this and checked together. Yes, she got pregnant. However, she couldn't tell to her father because her father was strict person. Really later, finally, she wrote him a letter. her father called her and cried, "Why didn't you tell me?"
Joanna got her first taste of what it meant to be a single mother thenight after her daughter, Kiara, was born. After that, her boyfriend said he stopped selling drag because she got pregnant. Then She and her boyfriend had moved new apartment, but boyfriend hadn't changed - he was still selling drags and using himself. She was really sad, but she decided that she kicked him out from their apartment. After 3 months later, he was arrested for drug dealing. She was sad because even he was doing bad things, she still loved him. However, she decided that she concentrate on doing positive things for her daughter and she. She learned how to take care about child, meanwhile she studied and took GED test again and again even she had failed many time.
When I was reading this, I thought she must be really sad because she had to realized many things about around her. her boyfriend had been to jail, and she had to raised her daughter alone even she loved him, and I think she regretted that she ignored his activities. Drug destroy everything and makes sad around our relationship all the more if you have. I think in case of Joanna, little bit different case as Rachel, but both of their story is sad.
So far, I have found some interesting vocabularies, and this story also getting interesting. I'll keep reading this.
I love you mom``Pg28-40
This is a letter written by Kelly Ripa to her mom. This letter include how her mom taught her what it was to be a woman, and since that moment she was born. Kelly’s earliest memories are of watching Dark shadow with her mom; She remember when her sister was born, her mom took time to buy her a book so Kelly feel included and special. And she remember thinking how much more beautiful her mother is. However, they had their hard times during teen years also. So her mom chose to speak to her children respect and compassion. Kelly feels that her mother is her best friend. And the only thing she wants to say which thanks for the years of loyalty, advice, tutoring kissed boo-boos, changed diapers, hot meals, cleans clothes, and a shoulder to cry on.
Chap9 Just do it written by Howie Mandel
When Howie lived with his mother, they even didn’t talk a lot. Since he moved away from Canada to California-the phone has became the best communication. Howie says he had a great admiration and respect for her mom. She had a philosophy far before Nike-and that was “Just do it.”
Personal opinion:
In these chaps, they all talk about that how much they love their mothers. When we were little, we don’t really know how to do the communication with our mothers, I could just go in the other room and say or goodnight. Growing up, I knew that I have do it better. Mother always pay her all for their children. They always put their children first and themselves last. After read these stories, I feel my mother is everything to me, She is always with me and always a part of me.
Harry Potter and Socerer's Stone, Chapter6 on pg 88-112

The story of chapter 6 is consisted of principally the process of leaving for and arriving to Hogwart, wizard school, and some episodes. Harry left for Hogwart at the platform 9 3/4, King Cross after he had met Ron's family. This platform is in the middle between nine and ten and nobody in muggle knew this platform. To take the train, Harry walked into the barrier between 9 and 10 with Ron. After leaving for Hogwart, in the compartment of the train, Harry also met many friends; Ron, Hermonie and Malfoy, because Harry already was famous among the wizards and many people wanted to meet him. At dark night, Harry arrived at Hogwart safely.
In my opinion, in this chater, Harry starts to lleave for Hogwart in the wizard's world, that is to say, he puts his foot in the wizard's. In the muggle he was just a little boy without his parents and money. Also many people ignored and annoyed him. However, in the wizard world he is very famous, and many people in the wizard like to meet and help him. In life, what is the most important thing for happiness? Money?, Success?, or a luxary car? I think one of the most important is love. In other words, "love is the source of hapiness" a writer, Lee Choel Su in my country, said. When people give and take love each others, they feel happiness in their mind. If a person is ignored and hated from other people without particular reason, can he live happily? However hard he may try to be happy, he dosen't live happy life any more. In this view, it is lucky Harry to go to Hogwart because he is loved and famous in the wizard. I hope Harry will be happy at Hogwart.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Harry Potter 3 Gabriella
There was something bad to happen to Harry! At first, his anut and uncle went to the hospital to take care of their stupid son. And they didn't let Harry touch anything. That is too bad! And Harry felt pretty sad and bad! At that time there was a little light shinning, his teachers came to help him! That is really great! And Harry also knew some new witches. I think maybe they can help Harry in the future. Then they took broom to fly to the school! Sometimes I think it is a little hard to fly, because just like Moody's words:" the others keep flying, donnot stop,donnot break ranks. If they take out all of us and you survive, Harry, the rear fuard are standing by to take over; Keep flying east and they will join you." I really like Moddy, even though he was so cruel and had a very fierce look! He was so good. I think he must help Harry and protect him in the future.
the second summer of the sisterhood, by Ann Brashares
Bridget accepted the pants from Tibby,but somehow the pants didn't fit into her anymore. she was so sad and scared that the pants won't give her any magic that she really need it. after one whole week cleaning finally she could find her mom's boxes. all of her mom's memory from junior high until her senior high. Bridget found out that her mam once has diagnosed a mental disease and put her in a hospital for a few months. Bridget really want to know why her mom try to kill herself. She also knew that her dad and her mom were meet each other in college,her dad was her mom teacher. greta didn't agree with their relationship. that's why she really want to know.
Tibby still not being honest with Brian and somehow she found out a lot of things that she didn't know from Brian eventhough he is her friend. she didn't even know that Brian dad was passed away.
Carmen still couldn't accept the fact that her mom was dating again. she was so angry because her mom picked up her so late in Lena's home because she was going to a baseball game with David,her new boyfriend. she even told her mom that she hate her.
Lena surprised by the fact that Eugene was her mom ex-boyfriend. She asked Alice, Tibby's mom if her mom have ever told her anything about eugene. she acted like she knew it too so Alice won't recognise her curiousity. she knew that Eugene had broken her mom heart once.
waow,i was so surprised when i knew that Eugene was Lena's mom ex-boyfriend. and when i knew a little bit about Bridget's mom past life i was so shocked too! attempted to suicide? waow..
i think the pants won't loose its magic. maybe it's just because Bridget still can't accept that she has changed. she was not thin and blonde like before.
Tibby didn't weat that pants at all and sent it straight to Bee. She still thinking of Bailey. I wondeer why she can get close with Brian eventhough she doesn't know Brian that well. All her friends (Lena,Carmen) obviously knew that Brian was falling in love with Tibby but they don't know why Tibby doesn't know it.
This book gets more interesting to read,but anyway,i need to return this book to library tomorrow because i already re-new it so i can't re-new it again,so if someone read my blog,please don't borrow this book and if you see someone else want to borrow it please don't let he/she do that except me! hehe
Truth Or Dairy by Catherine Clark P 95 - 120
The day after there's a horrible things, a nightmare, just happenned. That day she was working with Beth at Truth or Dairy. At around 5 o'clock, Beth scream out and said look who's here. And I found out that "someone" who I been dreaming of for days. Dave just walked in to our store. Courtney didn't want to face him so she went to the storeroom and to get some frozen yogurt. She didn't know what to say and what to do. Dave asked her why is she becoming a vice president. This wasn't her. It doesn't seems like something that she would do. She didn't answer all these neither dave. They looked at each other. Dave told her to wait for 3 to 4 months from now. All these just making her so mad. She cried when she got home.
Two things happen to Courtney. Something happy and something sad. Things never go perfect. Whenever she started to forget about Dave, he came back everytime. Seem like a alarm clock, ringing everytime to remind you something. Can't this be changed? It's really hard if this happen on me. They should have ended this relationship. Because it 's never possible again. Please help her out. Also, she has became a vice president. How great is that. It's a new start. Cheer up! To Courtney. Find her own love.
I have just read a few pages this week. It's really boring.
Harriet Jacobs Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl written by herself
One day, Harriet couldn't endure the treatment to her by her owner and planed escape from him, but her family frevented her from escaping. She give up escaping once. However, she couldn't endure after all. Finally, she performed escaping. Her owner put $300 reward on her. The search for her lasted much longer than she would expected. Her friends and family tried to persuade her to give up escaping and ask her owner's forgiveness, but she didn't follow the advice. While she was running away, she was bitten on her leg by poisonous snake, so she needed someone's help. Then, Mrs.Wright, who had known Harriet's grandmother and always had been very friendly to Harriet's family, sheltered Harriet in her house. While Harriet was hiding in Mrs.wright's house, Mr.Sands bought Harriet's sister and children who was in prison from the owner.
These chapter contain a lot of unknown words, so I couldn't read quickly.
I mourned her unhappiness that she was bitten by poisonous snake during escaping.
My reading speed is so slow. Next week, I'm gonna try to spend more time to read.
Bridge to Terabithia Page 65--93
I don't know how to write a shorter summary.I think this time I also write too many,but I enjoy this book.I hope to I can be younger like them.I have my own kingdom.I can join with them.That will be so fun for me.
The Witches by ROALD DAHL pages 88-105
Wow! the witches could get rid of all the children by fedding them chocolate because almost all the childrens like to eat chocolate. I wonder what will the Narrator will do because he wasn't doing nothing. I wonder if he gets caught or kill the The Grand High Witch.
The Merry Adventures of RobinHood by Howard Pyle Pages 90~123.
When I read this part of story , I can felt nobody is perfect even you are a leader. At this chapter last sentence is however RobinHood lost a fight was leaked out. It means next chapter will be more exciting so am I .
Update: Inner Circle
This week I read 4 Chapters. The school's life in Easton--- Reed's college becomes more and more interesting. The name of these 4 Chapters are :"My Guy", "Cat Burglary","Quit Billings" and "Bogarted". Just see the title we can guess that the must be someone don't like to live in Billings, but who is that person and why she want quit Billings? There must have something bad happened. Let me tell you what's in these 4 Chapters.
When Reed and Sabine talking at lunch, the headmaster just made annnouncement, an exciting announcement. He said next week they will be have an alumni weekend, which include having dinner at the Driscoll Hotel in Easton. Driscoll Hotel was a place which bulit as the same time as Easton. It only host the wealthy parents and grandparents when they went to town for parents' weekends or their graduations. Reed had heard that was as magnidicent inside as it outside, but she have never seen before. But by the time she might have a chance to see how gorgeous it is.
The headmaster asked them if they want to be a volunteer for the committees------decorations,food,invitations committees. He said that he want to show other people that what Easton is about, made something others can be proud. Actually no one want to be those volunteers except the new student---- Sabine. She seems be very excited about this. But Reed doesn't think so, anyway she choose to try it. She want to be the same as Sabine. By the time the girls was talking about the volunteer things, a gay appeared in front of Sabine, and she was attrack by him. Yeah, everyone will be crush on him if he talk to them. Cause you need to acknowledge that he has a very nice looking that no one can say they don't like him. Ok , that's move on. What will happen during the party? No one knows.
Nothing special in the next chapter, just have some conversation between Reed and Constance. Girls always have some boring topic to talking about. But those things often with no main point.
Wow, it seems here will be interesting, this one with a name which is "Quit Billings". So who quit it. Reed? Sabine? Or someone who?
Cheyenne give the new juniors a Billings test. So Reed try to talk to Sabine about the test, but they have many other things to do with, so until they both went to bed they didn't get the time to talk about it. Reed didn't know what Sabine will do with that test, but everyone knows that's not easy to pass. Or Cheyenne won't give them. Ok, Reed was that person who want to get out of living in Billings. Reed thought that everyone want to live in Billings. Because they thought being in Billings, meant being admired, feared and the best. She didn't want those new girls to live in there too. She tried to talk to others about her idea, they all said she must have some big problem, why she want to live away from there, they can't find the answer. After quarrel with them she find that, she can't find another place to go. So she just didn't want to think about it anymore. What can Reed do? She didn't know it, so how can I know, HAHA!!~~
That was life, school life. Everday you find out there's lots of problems. You try to solve it. But after you try it, you know that, not very easy to deal with it. So what can we do? Keep going. There should have a way can solve it, but we don't know when it will happen? Do you guys think as the same as me? Maybe or maybe not!~
"The strange case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde" chapter1 ( 50-61)
I don't think i like this book, it's a little hard for me to read.
"HIGH HEAT" by Carl Deuker Pages 83-105
The night before Halloween, the police came and caught them, but Justin was gone already. So the police took them to The Youth Detention Center. One man asked Shane about steal beer and Justin. Besides, the judge ask Shane to perform twenty hours of community service in a baseball field. After he finished the service, he met Lonnie again. Lonnie ask Shane to go out again.
After I finished these pages, I felt very disappointed about Shane. I know that he will feel lonely and sad that his father died. Actually he know that steal is a bad thing, but he affect by his friends. He was a good student in Shorelake, but now he become a bad student and a naughty boy. I hope he can awake to be a good person. His mother is very tired to earn money for their family, he should not let his mon worry about him.
Besides, I think these pages are easy to read. I can understand most of the parts. I didn't need to check the dictionary, so I think I will not change to read the other books.
Over the wall p.22~31(Chapter 4)
To begin with, I could not understand this chapter well, so I could not summarize completely. I’m sorry about that. In the future story, I just guess that Breena will be a key person for Tyler.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Understanding September 11th by Mitch Frank Pages 36-73
Understanding Islam, and how it could be hijacked like a plane and used as an excuse for mass murder, is key to Understanding September 11th. Islam is one of the world’s largest religions, with more than one billion believers. It was begun by the prophet Muhammad. The stereotype is familiar, Islam is a religion of violence, where suicide bombers and mad warriors kill in the name of God. Certainly hearing the words of Osama bin Laden, who believes God gave him visions of planes hitting tall office buildings, it’s believable that Islam has become justification for murder. The middle east matters because of religion, economics, and politically unstable. The terrorist target the United States because many reason. For example, American support Israel, which many muslims see as muslim land under Jewish occupation. There also much deeper resentment. America today is prosperous and successful, while the Middle East struggles with poverty and misery. But Thousand years ago, Islamic empire that grew after Muhammad’s death was the most powerful on earth. They also hate the American because America’s support for Israel, that has created more arab resentment of U.S than perhaps any other issue.
I'll keep read this story until i finnished it. it's geting bored, but i'll keep read this story.
Wait for me..Anna
tender is the night (by Minh) chapter 12-16 (page 69- 85)
First, that day, the Divers, Norths, and Rosemary lunch together in a restaurant and measure the "repose" of the Americans who come in to eat. Rosemary gets up from the table to call a movie house, asking them to give a showing of her successful film "Daddy's Girl." After her call, she overhears an intimate exchange between Dick and Nicole in which Dick sighs how much he wants Nicole, and they arrange to rendezvous at the hotel at four to be together.
Before leaving for Paris, the same party visits a World War I battlefield where Dick animatedly serves as guide. He spies a young girl bearing flowers to leave on her brother's grave, which she can't find. Dick instructs her to leave the flowers on a grave without looking at the name.
Next, they head to Paris and take drinks on a houseboat on the Seine. Rosemary even takes a glass herself, her first, announcing that the previous day was her eighteenth birthday. Perhaps fired by the liquor, Rosemary invites Dick into her room, across from his own, and asks him to take her(Oh! what will happen when they come to her room, maybe...............they will drink again ^_^)............ They kiss, but Dick declines the offer and tries to explain why they cannot have an affair, although the thought catches him more off guard than he is willing to admit(Why? If I was him, I wouldn't leave anyway).
Dick leaves and Rosemary brushes her hair feverishly. Rosemary wakes the next morning and shops with Nicole, each of them noting that they lived in a similar neighborhood of Paris when they were young, each of their families economizing(Wow! amazing! maybe they are twin, or they have the same childhood).
The whole group, adding Collis Clay, a Yale student Rosemary knew from the states, go to watch a showing of Rosemary's "Daddy's Girl" at a movie house. Everyone enjoys it.
Next, though Collis wants to spend more time with the starlet, Dick and Rosemary drop him at his hotel and go to a party together. Dick warns Rosemary that she will not like the party, but that he must go to arrange for the purchase of a struggling friend's painting.
My opinion:
Finally, in my opinion, I can say that the fact is that Rosemary and Nicole have different ideas of economizing helps highlight an interesting similarity and difference between the two. The two are similar in that they are both financially independent women; neither needs to rely on men for her economic well being. The difference rests on the idea that while Rosemary is a new woman who has worked for her money, Nicole inherited hers. What Dick has to offer each of them is not money, but something more human. You can guess many infers about these chapter, but they still have many things in next chapter. We will come back. Good luck for our midterm tests and have a great weekend with hallowe'en day
Cross- James Patterson P.48- 67
Alex took several months to investigate who the murder is, but nobody gave him a clue. Even he looked into that crazy hitman, but found Butcher had gone back to New York early that night. Who did it? Alex still had no idea. Alex with his kids decided to move to grandmother- Nana's house. Another day, Alex was doing car shopping for the family car, he got a phone call. A man- Ned Mahoney worked for Hostage Rescue asked for him with emergent problems at Kentucky Avenue.
Around this building where was on the Kentucky Avenue was blocked, later Alex met Ned here. Some witnesses said they heard the gunshot from a lab of the building, but the situation was complicated. Some well armed men tried to rob the lab where was used for producing drugs, but they all died inside. And these dead man who were from DC SWAT(Special Weapons and Tactics) and HRT(Hostage Rescue Team) of FBI which was Alex's organization.
The story goes on and becomes exciting.
who was Albert Einstein? Chapter 1-3 Pg 1-33
I like this story so much ,learn about Albert's attitude.and that 's good story ..
The Dominant Primordial Beast
It’s a very brute story. I try to describe the story, but so hard to make very good sentences which can let you know what happened. I am really enjoying reading this section. The writer wrote very vivid about their fighting. Buck finds himself in the beastly environment. He used his clever to the leader of the dogs.
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks. Pages 1 - 49
Actually, this book is harder than Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. There are many new vocabulary that I don't know, but the story is almost the same. It's about a magic.. Can you imagine if you have a cupboard that can make everything become real?? It's really cool, isn't it? What will happen after Omri got back from school?? We will know it next week...
There is a movie of this book, but I haven't watched it. My host father said I should watch this movie because it's really interesting. Is that true??!
Friday, October 26, 2007
what the dickens?see dickens
it's hard to say,he wasn't human.well bright enough. but he was -well-disadvantaged.the accident of his birth.he was a scrap apart.he open the eye .the empty tin can toss by the side of a stream.the author saw a filmy dress .the dress fly about .the dress falls from their shoulder and waists.it clings to their slender froms,like a nigtshtshirt mad out of cobweb.
in my opinion this story is ok. i can learn many adj.this is good story.
Daragonwings p1-p10
opinion: Since I changed my novel, it became easy for reading. I'm trying to continue reading with imagination about what happen or will happen. This tale tells about a boy, his mother, his father, and his granmma, the period of Tang dynasty. The boy, Moon Shadow, always wanted to know about his father but his mother had never let him know about his father..........
Dinner at the homesick restaurant - P 66 - 120
In 1952, Jenny was seventeen years old and going to be a beauty. Her brother, Cody was away at college. Her brother Ezra had refused to go to the college and started to work in Scarlatti's restaurant. But he was ordered off to a training camp down south. He asked Jenny that she will come to Scarlatti's restaurant, talk with Mrs. Scarlatti and make sure she's all right and Josiah, his friend, too. After Ezra left, Jenny and her mom lived in the house alone. According to Ezra's letter, Jenny came to Scarlatti's restaurant and talked with Mrs. Scarlatti. Then, she came to Josiah and realized that Ezra gets out of the army and he want to open the restaurant where people come just like to a family dinner. Cody wrote that he was being interviewed by several corporation and he wanted a job in business after he finished school. Ezra wrote that he should be a soldier. Their mother seemed to relax somewhat. Jenny didn't tell her about Ezra's restaurant. After that, Jenny looked in on Josiah again, and in the third time, Josiah invited her to come his home and have supper with his mother and him. After the supper, they walked and came back Jenny's home. In the porch, he kissed her on the lips, then she kissed him back, then her mom's voice broke over them, she didn't want her to neck with a dummy Josiah. So she didn't see him again and they had split the city between them. Ezra come back home with the reason that the army wasn't his style. By the time, Jenny reached college, she'd grown to be the beauty that everyone predicted. Meanwhile, Cody had become a success-shot ahead through several different firms and Ezra still worked for Mrs. Scarlatti. Late in Jenny senior year, she felt in love. This was Harley Baines, genius. Next year, he'd be at Paulham university, outside Philadelphia and doing advanced research in the field of genetics and Jenny too, she had just been accepted by its medical school. When exams began, she came to him with her genetics notes and asked if he could help her study. They sat out-doors in the grass on a bedspread. After they done, Harley help Jenny to fold the spread. Suddenly, he stept forward, flipped the spread around him like a hooked cloak and wrapped her inside its darkness and kissed her. It was unskillful kiss anyhow, too abrupt. After her last exam, she knew that he came back home without graduation yet. Then she received his letter some days later, he said he want to marrige her. She came back her mom's house and met her mother, Cody and Ezra. They have the family dinner in the Scarlatti's restaurant. Ezra said he will be a new full partner of this restaurant with dollar. But his mom was upset when she heard that and she didn't want to have dinner anymore. After Jenny's mom left, Jenny walked to home and she came to the fortune-teller's and ask the lady that she should get married or not. And the lady said "Married" and if she doesn't, she will be destroyed by love. Then Jenny married Harley in August. After that they took the train to Paulham university, where they rented a small apartment.
My opinion:
Now I can understand the tittle. Why the author named this story "Dinner in the homesick restaurant". I think Ezra will give us a surprise. I know why the tittle talk about the dinner in the restaurant. But i didn't know about "homesick" yet. Why the author talk about "homesick"? Can you guess it? I can't. In this chapter, Pearl's children become adults and all of them have good lives. They sastified with these. But their mother didn't sastified about Ezra's job. She want him to become a professor but he didn't. Jenny is a good girl and has a good husband. The story is more and more exciting and I like it. It's not hard to read. I think I can finish it 2 or 3 weeks later. Thanks for your attention. Have a great weekend.
Well, so far in this week I read, thing that mostly make me think about is Lady Anne’s fell, because before she even ride on Lizzie. Lizzie’s owner had fold Anne that Lizzie doing no good on women rider, but Anne still rode on her, because she think that she has been riding horses since she was 3. So she can do it, and nothing will stop her. So, finally she fall down.
I think sometime we should listen to other people’s advises. Because things doesn’t happen in the way we thought, and not because we had experience many times, we can use the same measuring every time, thing changes, so listen to people that around you, walk a way that is right.
Page 5-12
The girl arrived her cousins house.the boy name is Edmond.
Her cousins have 6 children,they are very friendly.
but is sometimes.First time,she came here,she feel shy and
they always asked her about NE YORK city.
But she didn't want to reason.
someday,at the midnighet she was thinking the old house is her house.
which is unfortunately..she hasn't choice...
she is waiting...waiting her father or her mother will call the phone.
my opinion:when I read this book,I feel she is poor.
she just 15 years old,and her mother and father not stay with her.
in fact,this book is not very hard.because I can understand what happened.
I really want to know the end of this book.
HOw I live now ?so ...
Charlotte's Web by E.B.WHITE. Pages105-143
This story starts from spring and now, it is the end of summer. I enjoy this story's season changing . Practically, Seattle's summer has already gone and now we are in season of fall, so does this story. I can tell that this story will reach the climax soon. However, Charlott has on my mind because she seems to become weaker and weaker.
Perfume- Patrick Suskind- part 1 pg 45- 111
Grenouille made the baker' dozen of Baldini became famous again. Of course nobody thought that an apprentice like Grenouille stayed in the laboratory all the time to created the perfumes. To be truth, the perfumes were wonderful, nothing similar but all strange and brilliant. Baldini let him do his own way, but he also taught him how to boil, to make the attar and flower oil. When Grenouille could do all by himself, Baldini just left everything to him. That was why he could have chance to make his experiments. He successed in created some oils of some plants, but not with glass, or blood, or wood etc. Grenouille had to understand that he couldn't control all kinds of scent, he fell to ill with heavy sweats and redish blisters. Baldini must have moved him to his bed and asked the doctor to came but nobody could do anything. At the end, Baldini felt hopeless until Grenouille asked: "Are there other ways to extract the scent from things besides pressing or distilling?"
Balidini thought this was the last wish of the dead man so he just said that there were other ways, in the south. Grenouille said" Good" and closed his eyes, but not dead, he just slept and one week later, he was fine again with no more blisters. After that, Grenouille worked for Baldini for three more years just to have a journeyman's papers and then he could go, with "a little rucksack, a second shirt, two pairs of stoocking, a large sausage, a horse blanket, and twenty- five francs", after all what he had done for Baldini. Without a shaking hand of Baldini, he came to the south to follow his ambition. Baldini didn't feel pity or anything like that, he didn't like Grenouille. All he thought about was to become the best perfumer ever, he slept on his bed, next to his wife with a notebook of hundreds formula of perfume in his hand. Unfortunately, a royal decree required that the buildings on the bridge be torn down, the servants of Baldini went out already, only he and his wife were hurtled into the river with everything in the laboratory, and the notebook, too.
This path make me understand more about the perfume, really. And I can feel that control the scents is Grenouille is his, he couldn't live without, another thing I see now, that everbody who had a relatives with Grenouille were dead after they met him, it this some kind of destiny?
Thursday, October 25, 2007
the nine lives of chloe king
She had to take a bus to go home. When she got home, she had run to bathroom, then she turned on the water and she soak her body to the water. After a while, her emotion became normal. She lay down a sofa and she fell asleep. When she got up, she was hungry, so she thought that foods might be in the refrigerator, then she had gone to kitchen. When she saw the microwave's clock, she was amazed because it was already 6 o'clock. She had been taking a nap over four hours. Anyway, she was looking at refrigerator, but there was almost just ingredients. She found couple of yogurts and macaroni salad. She sat down and ate. While she was eating, her mother came back home. However, Chole was thinking "don't tell mom immediately" but Chole was taking to her mom that happened. Mom's answer was "I know." Chloe was surprized. Her mother was little bit mad her, because, she just came back from hospital. They looked each other for a second, and then they were argumented after a while. Finally, her mom asked Chloe "Are you okay?" then Chloe was talking something by herself. Chloe said to mom "I wanted to celebrate my birthday with my friends" Her mom was like keep opened her mouth and eyes.
The night was colder than Chloe expected. She wore on her jaket and she had gone to club by herself. She met a giant man and he said to Chloe "I like your shoes". Chloe said "Thanks, man." Also, many businessman were in there and they were drinking quietly and people watching just her. The giant man appeared next to her, but she didn't talk anything. She was like "No, thenks men". However, Chloe was started to talk with him, then she talked about her birthday. After that, he said to Chloe "Happy Birthday!" his sounds like British. They cheered each other and he kissed on her cheek. After that, they started to dance and drink again.
The giant man told Chloe his adress and cell phone number, then her realized the number is international number. She couldn't believe that.
So far, I have read 36 pages. It was hard to read for me, but other students have been reading more and more gapes, so I will try to read as same as other students.
the velveteen rabbit
A boy receives a Velveteen Rabbit for Christmas. He loves Velveteen Rabbit so much so, he always brought doll. Velveteen Rabbit also always with him sleep and play. Weeks passed, Velveteen Rabbit grew very old and shabby, but the boy loved him just as much. However one day, he got the measles. Because everything is contagion, he’s mother made on fire clothes, toys, and bedding. Of course it included Rabbit. Rabbit into the box which is very old toys gathered and Rabbit talked with tatters Skin Horse. Skin Horse was one of favorite doll from boy’s uncle but latter on Skin Horse was dumped by uncle. Skin Horse said that “Real isn’t how you are made. It’s a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real. It doesn’t happen all at once, you become. It takes a long time. That’s why it doesn’t often happen to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real you can’t be ugly, except to people who don’t understand.” Next day, boy’s mother started on fire in a backyard.
this week i have been reading the veveteen rabbit because the veveteen principles is idea from the velveteen rabbit which is child book. when i was child i read this book so i chose the velveteen principles but when i read through i don't remember at all! so i think read original book is helpful to me also it pages just 37 with some pic but it took me more longer than what i thought. Anyhow this book is really easy to read and has a moral..
The momery keeper's daught P58-90
in this two chapter, it is talking about Dr. David wife. After she born the the boy and the daughter, then she think that it will have a good family, but after she knew that her baby girl have been die, and she was very upset about it. In the following years, she still cannot believe it, and she is going to become more depress, also she have always forget her son. Her son feel very sad that why her mother and father don't comprehend him, so he lied that her sister being a GHOST, and come to find him in the evening that the mother and father will more comprehend him.
i think that the story is more more upset, because the mother is very upset about her daughter die, and cannot get over it, also the son was very unhappy that the father and mother don't comprehend to him and make a lie to let them pay attention to him. There is a happy family to becaome a sad familybecause of one baby girl, that is unbelelieve.
peter pan page47-65
After peter invited Wendy to Neverland be the lost boy’s mother, tinker bell was so mad. She is the little fairy who always stays with peter. She was angry because of peter kissed Wendy; she knew that Wendy would be her rival. Since peter had no sense of love, he used tinker bell’s fairy dust to make Wendy and her 2 brothers, john and Michael flew to Neverland. “Second to the right, and straight on till morning.” It was the way that peter told Wendy to Neverland. While they were heading to Neverland, peter told john that there have mermaids and pirates…. John was so excited to go there. Peter also asked john and Michael if they would flight Captain Hook with him……
It was sweet and funny that Peter and Wendy kissed. Even though it was sweet, I feel sorry for tinker bell. I always know tinker bell, she was in love with Peter Pan since the store were made. It made me sort of dislike Peter Pan that he never said he love tinker bell……!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Understanding September 11th by Mitch Frank Pages 24-36
This book contain many information. not just what happened in september11th, but also the terrorism, and many other things that we should know about that. We can learn many things in this book. I'll keep reading this book.
Matilda ch 5
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
-Just after dark Huck started up the Illinois shore in the canoe than walked around town. He saw one woman in the house. He want to heard about recently situation. He act like a girl because he didn't want to her recognized he is a huck. He lied his name and his situation then He talked with the woman. She said people think Huck's father or Jim kill Huck. But the woman recognized he was lying. Fortunately, she didn't recognized he is a Huck. Therefore Huck came back to canoe then go away again with Jim. A few days Huck and Jim spent great. One day they found on steamboat. They got on the steamboat. Suddenly, they heard someone voice. They were really afraid so, hid then saw robbers. They knew had to escaped there. They found skiff before robbers found skiff. Therefore Huck and Jim escaped successfully.
-Adventure is always interesting. When I read this book, I imagine their adventure. It is really interesting. But, this book has a lot of strange word like a more'n, rest'til and so on. Sometime I can't understand.
" Frankenstein" by Mary Wollstobecraft Shelley (page 21-50)
The end of the story is so sad. Almost characters in the story died because of creature's jealousy. This book is attractive and not very hard to read. I am going to read "The strange case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde" by Robert Louis Stevenson. I think this a interesting book too, because some of my friends advise it for me.
Jitterbug Perfume P.27~P.55
Thank you all.
Beginning of the chapter was kind of similar to the other story, cause the scene was HP was staying in his closet, where he always live if he is not in the Hogwarts school, his uncle Vernon yelled at him and ask him to come down. They got the idea that Voldermort gonna attack Dursleys' house so they were asked to come with the wizard group to get away from the attack. They have been changing their mind for like a lot of time. At first they didnt want to go with HP and the other wizards, but for a long time HP argued with Dursleys family, HP let them know that Voldermort like to torture mud blood. As the scene going on, for around 15 mins argueing with Dursleys family, Dursleys family got scare and they accepted to come with Harry and wizard group to the safety place. Dursleys family drove the car with Dedalus in the car, for safety that's why the wizard group sent a witch to go on the car with them. After the Dursley family left, HP ran up to his room and finished packing stuff. He had a strange feeling about leaving this house, the house which he had lived for almost his youth.
My opinion:
This is a beginning of a challenge story as i think, everything happens faster and faster. HP had to live his house. They had to move to a new position for safety. I like the way how his aunt looked at him at the end of the chapter, HP thought this was the first time his aunt looked at him as a lovely eyes. I feel very poor for HP, he had to face againts with a lot of thing. I think if i was him i cant even make the first edition.^^ Thx for reading this.
Dinner in the homesick restaurant - P. 34-67
The Second Summer of The Sisterhood by Ann Brashares
Carmen worked for baby sitting for the Morgans,she still couldn't accept that her mom was dating again. David,the man whom her mo went with was asked her to have dinner together. After she tried to avoid it,even she lied to her mom that she has a date with porter,her mom still successed. Because she already told her mom that she has a date with Porter which the real fact was she didn't has it,so she must asked Porter to join the dinner. When the four of them went dinner together,Carmen was judged David's looks all the time as she ignored Porter who has been so polite to her. Carmen has a lot of things in her mind about her mom and David so she didn't pay any attention to anything beside.
Brian, Tibby's best friend surprised Tibby by came at her dorm and asked her if he can stay over night at her room. Brian missed her so much. That was Tibby first experience for a boy that stay over night,but if it was someone elses than Brian she would say no. Brian is a sexy as tube socks for her. At the morning,Tibby has a plan with Maura and Alex,her new friends,but she didn't ask Bian to go with them. When they were at the restaurant,Tibby felt a little guilty for Brian.
Lena was so shocked when Christina,Carmen's mom (she didn't say it with purpose,she think Lena knew it already) about her mom's relationship with a guy named Eugene. It happen when Christina asked Lena about her relatinship with Kostos,when Lena told Christina that they are broke up,Christina asked her if it was because of the long distance relationship? and Lena thought that it must be a good reason and she said yes. Ang then Christina told her that it remains her to Ari, Lena's mom. When Lena asked her mother who is Eugene, Ari's face was tokk on frustated,unpolished look. Everytime she wanted to answer something it seemed to be calculated before. Ari asked Lena where she knew it but Lena didn't want to bring Christina so she answered nobody. Ari answered Lena question with I have no idea what are you talking about,but she answered it with whispered.
it didn't has a lot to tell from Bee's life,but as far as I know Tibby already sent the pants to Bee because Tibby didn't wear it. From pg 76 until now the book only told the story for Carmen, Tiby, and Lena's life.
Carmen still can't accept that her mom was dating again,she reallly has a lot of things in he mind right now. She really curious about the Eugene story. She think her mom's mind was jumbled,but,in fact she didn't. I really want to know who Eugene was,it could be someone in Ari's past. Lena relationship with her mom not as good as Carmen's so maybe this Eugene story can be a way for her mom to get closer to her daughter. Lena still has a feeling for Kostos,the fact that Kostos already has a new girlfriend makes her heart unstabil. She thinks she already let Kostos go but I think she hasn't. I don't know why Lena made the decission to break up with Kostos.
There will be a lot of things that coming through from the sisterhood's life..I'm so curious!
The Old Man and Sea P30--50
I think he is a lovly old man. In his heart he feels lonely all the time. He miss the boy so much. He likes fishing and bird. Everytime he saw them he will so excited. He likes talk to himself ,thinks about past, fishing, and future.
Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets Page. 42-64
Why Draco Malfoy is unpleasant to everyone? I think his character is devious. His father also like Malfoy. They resemble each other closely. I don’t know how can I make them normal personality. If I were his place, I won’t talk to them, It’ll make me upset. It has that I have some sympathy for Ron. If I have friend who surround by wealthy, I’ll envy my friend. Actually, I’m jealous of my friends. Most of my international students are wealthy. By the way, I’m looking forward to reading ne
The Lennon Companion pg 39 - 57
At that time, the author said John Lennon will not speak when he was interviewee without an appointment. He was sick of such a interview. The author explains lunch John Lennon had. also Brian Epstein, who was a manager of the Beatles, talked to the author. He gives explanation about that lunch.
The author explains one their song, A Hard Days Night. He recognized they are only one because they meant effectively great aspects when he listened that song.
The Beatles were only band that were not only idol but also artist. I enjoy reading this book because it's going to reveal John Lennon's behavior, words, and people around him. I can know how they were famous and popular. They had felt pain that can't understand by little people especailly Lennon because they became national idol suddenly.
The Devil Wears Prada Pg(67-113)
The Runway girl, Ahndreah is still struggling for her job from her boss, Miranda. Miranda does not give any time to rest for Andy. She always frigid even though Andy did well in right time and right palce then she make call anytime anywhere to Andy to do something. Andy could not even date with her boyfriend, Alex. When Andy got this job at the first time, he was glad that she got but not now. Because Andy is changing her mind and even her style;clumsy to stylish, she does not care of him that much. In this chapter, she could not answer the phone because of Miranda.
Miranda gave the work for Andy to bring new realease of the book 'Harry Potter", because
her twins want to read. The book is not on the booksotre which is not made a book yet! However, this is the work from Miranda. Andy have no idea how to deal with this stupid work.
At that time, Miranda went to Paris for her work. Andy is trying to get some rest but couldn't.
When she confess everything; she thinks that she screwed up pretty badly this time so that she thought Miranda is going to get her fired, to her best friend, Lily. She replied that Miranda hasn't even seen her hard at work yet and the 'Runway' is the greatest job which is a million girls jealous about just having a job in there. Andy understood. Then she called to people about the "book" as many as she can. Jonathan who already met Andy in the party last scene. He was the angle to Andy because he knows where can she get the books. Then Andy finally did the job by his help. She got the two real copy of the book "Harry potter" with the color cover page for twins and one copy for Miranda. Because, Miranda is on the way, Andy has to send the book by DHL.
However, Miranda called to Andy that she does not receive the book yet and twins too. Afterwards, she finally receive a little recognition from Miranda.
Reading a book was helped me to read with the interest. I already saw this movie but the novel is not same as the movie said. In the movie, Miranda was not in the Paris when she gives the work to Andy about the "Harry Potter" book. When I found the differences between the movie and the novel, my reading was fun. I have 19 chapters and 432 pages which is a lot.
I realized that I have to read day by day because it is hard to read before Monday.
I will try if Mike does not give us homework, anyway. See you tomorrow!!^_____^
Shane found that his sister got worse, she always lock herself in her room. One day in early July,His sister,Marian, told Shane that she worried about they will be homeless. Shane told her to be relax. However, many people came to look at their house, no one want to buy because there were a suicide here. In early August, a family,the Robertsons, came and look at their house,as soon as they bought their house. As this reason, Shane and his family moved to city housing. Shane's mother found a job that work at night. On the other hand, Shane must take the bus to school now. In the bus stop, he always see someone that he doesn't want to see.
After I read these pages, I know that Shane was afraid what the others think about him and his father, that's why he doesn't want to play in baseball team and stop to see his friends. But I think if I met the same thing, I will not stay away from my friends. I think it is very important that have some friends with you when you feel upset. If you don't share you worry with your friends or somebody, you can't be better. So that I suggest Shane to find his friends and talk with them.
Otherwise, I feel better when I read the baseball game part in this book, so I can keep reading on this book!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Vote for Your Favorite Name
Harry Potter and the Socerer's Stone on pages 61-87
Witch Child
It is dangerous for her to be ther. She sees them glancing and whispering "That's her , the granddaughter," "Daughter of the Devvil, more like." Then they turn away, sniggering, hands covering their mouths, faces turning red at the lewd images they conjure in their own mind's eye. The evil is in themselves. She should flee, get away. They will turn on her next unless she goes. She looks around Eyes, hards with hatred, slides from hers.
It's difficult for me to interpret this novel. I can't imagine what this story would develop on next
story. Maybe I need to find the other one.
I love you mom``Pg20-28
Mommy Mary written by Cathrine Hickland
Cathrine's mom's eightieth birthday is coming soon, but in her eyes,she still looks her mom like the same as when Cathrine was five years old and looked up to the woman who taught her so much about everything. Her mom divorced when she was five, Cathrine said:"My had many hardships, but still managed to install the values of love, hard work, and being there for others. Also, Cathrine feels so greatful about herself, so many of the kids she grew up with didn't live to see twenty-two or they didn't have any focus or direction in their lives. In the middle of Cathline childhood, her mom had an emotional breakdown; the finanial stress and pressure of raising two kids alone became too much. Anyway, she loves her mom so much, she is the hero to Cathrine.
The Greatest Gift written by Eva La Rue
I found out the section I read is mostly talking about how single mother raised their children after divorce. Like this one "The Greatest Gift" written by Eva La Rule. It is talking about a normal mom who had been really responsible for her children. After Eva's older brother, Chuck, was killed accidently by a drunk driver. Her mom realized how easy life could be lost, so she started offer Eva and her sister, Nika, all they wanted. For this unlucky family, life has been struggling because theirs dad living situation was not well also. For supporting our interets ,and discovered our talent, she usually took two or three jobs at the sametime.She took a weekend job at an ice-sketing place, and use her working hours exchange lessons for Eva, and Nika. She did something like mailroom service, and plastic company work,too. She never forgetten drove us to our dance class five days a week for ten years. Eva had a chance to experience same thing as her mother did. When the time she raised her child she felt to be a good mother is a hard thing. Therefore, she always appreciate what her mom done to her which directed her to find and reached her dream.
Personal Opinion
Life could be very hard if you are a single mother who is going raise their children by yourself. That is the common idea I got from reading those two chapters. Compare to those two passages, both of authors were having a similar childhood background. They all appriciated very much for what their moms tought them. However, as my view both moms have their own spcial part. First moms has fall down once, for there were lots of stress she need to face. She is a strick mom, she set up the rules for her girls and did look after them very carefully. On the other hand, the second mom is very responsible, and she spoiled her girls a little bit. But she did a perfect job to support her girls dream. Mother's love is the most precious love in the world. Here, I want to say I love you, mom.
“Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul II” by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and Kimberly Kirberger. Pages 63-100.
Alicia and Molly was a best friend. They enjoyed the same things, laughed at the same jokes and even had the same love for sunflowers. Their friendship grew very strong. In fifth grade, they were not in the same class, but at lunch they both sat in nearby assigned swats and turned around to talk to each other. They didn’t care anything although they got into trouble because of their friendship. It seemed like nothing could destroy that friendship. When seventh grade started, they were being put to a test. Molly started to hang out with a new group of people. They spent less time together; even they didn’t talk to each other. When Alicia would try to talk to her, Molly would just ignore her. Alicia was so confused. She wanted to tell Molly that how badly she felt. Thus she called to Molly. Nevertheless, Alicia realized she was not the only one hurting after had talked to Molly. She also ignored Molly when Alicia talked to her new friends. Finally, they both decided that they wanted to be with their new friends but they would never forget the fun and friendship they had shared with each other.
Today, Molly and Alicia are finally in the same classes. They still get in trouble for talking too loudly. Molly is not Alicia’s best friends anymore, but Molly more like her sister. Molly taught Alicia something very important. She taught her that things change, people change, and it doesn’t mean you forget the past or try to cover it up. It simply means that you move on, and treasure all the memories.
I really like this story because it told me what I should do for my friendship. You will have a really good friend in your life. Just do your best to keep that friendship. If the friendship is broke with some reasons, please never feel unhappy or upset. Please let’s them go. Both of you also have to learn grow and meet a lot of new friends. Maybe you will meet your old friends many years later. Nothing you can do or stop it. Your friendship will be gone but your memories and they are priceless.
These are from the book. I think that is so meaningful so I would like to share with you guys:
Hold a friend’s band through times of trial,
Let her find love through a hug and a smile;
But also know when it is time to let go-
For each and every one of us must learn to grow.
Sharon A. Heilbrunn
"It Couldn't happen to me -by Beth Johnson" P.32~48
Although things were doing well with her baby, Rachel still had a difficult obstacle to face:determing who the child's father was. She asked all people who had sex with Rachel. Finally she found the father, but he was very upset. Since then, the father has paid a small amount of monthly child support,and he visits daughter about once a week. After that, she found one apartment, and moved in that room for new life with daughter.
Now, She decided that she choose her friends for daughter, because some people don't like to play with little kid. People who want to be Rachel's friends have to understand the way her life is. And also, she decided she'll be the best mother she can possibly be to daughter. She'll have a close relationship with her daughter and talk with her about everything, so that daughter can tell and ask Rachel anything.
In this chapter, I could find some interesting vocabulary. And then, this chapter "Rachel" was impressed for me because she has a lot of strong decision and resolution, even she is young. I think it's different from another teenmoms. I think she still has some trouble for raising child because it's pretty difficult thing, but I hope she'll overcome some situation, and be a good and strong mother.
Now, I'm going into next chapter, "Joanna".