Monday, November 12, 2007

Understanding September 11th by Mitch Frank Pages 107-124

Osama bin lade, grew up surrended by wealth an privilage. In 1998, Osama in laden told ABC News, " In today's wars, there are no morals. We belive the worst thieves in the world today and the worst terrorists are America. We don't have to differentiate betweem military or civilian. As far as we are concerned, they are all targets.". It would be very dangerous for America to think it has won the war against terrorism just by capturing or killing bin Laden. He may be dead. However, there are still 10,000 Al Qaeda members around the world. After the attack on september 11, America have been change a lot. They were filled with suspicion and fear, so they made new patriotism act. They can caught anyone who looks like terrorism without any prof.

Finaly, i finish this Understanding September 11th book. I learn many think in this book, that we should not underestemate the terrorism. We will never forget the thousands who died that day, but we must remember the lessons we learned from it as well, so that there will not be another September 11th.

1 comment:

Tim said...

Yes, we agree that there must not be another Sept. 11th. But there will be, somewhere, sometime. That's sad, but what worries me even more is the response to Sept. 11th. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have cost hundreds of thousands of lives. Most of the people killed are civilians, so when we blame bin Laden for attacking civilians -- as we should -- we should also look at ourselves.