Sunday, November 18, 2007

Chapter 1. 1-15

After they got there, Garry was shy to get off the car, but deputy said “Don’t hold back that way. Fetch your box and come on.” Harris’s sister who is a strapping girl came forward and took his box out of the backseat of the car. Gary felt it was mean. Because there were some private stuff in the box. Harris came to me with his hands behind him and asked “We heard your folks was puke drunks, is that right?” Glennis told him that question is so rude. But Harris just told her “Well you can just blow your butt, you old cow. You ain’t no grow-up to tell me what to do. How the hell am I supposed to know things if I don’t go ahead and ask them?” She reached across Gray’s back and slapped Harris on the side of the head so hard his teeth rattled. Gary just wanted to find out getting hit hard by Glennis was a regular part of his life. Harris told him he puked all the time due to drink alcohol. Once He got the mad croup and he puked green for three, four days.
This is a funny novel. I like the ways they talk are very rude and interesting. It’s talked about Gray and Harris. They all like drinking. Gary just move into the new family so he just started a new life with his roommate Harris. I feel excited when they talk. Maybe these guys can be the beast partners and do some exciting things.

1 comment:

Tim said...

It sounds like these people have serious problems! I wonder how old Gary is, and why the police have taken him to this place: your summary doesn't make that too clear, nor am I sure who Glennis or Harris are!

Also, what is the title of this novel?