Friday, October 26, 2007


Black beauty went with another owner lady Anne who like ride on horse back and Anne named Black beauty Black Austen Black beauty has two friends, Ginger and Lizzie. Lizzie wasn’t a really good horse for women, but one day lady Anne want to ride on Lizzie and got a really serious fell, but she’ll be fine soon, things happed day by day. Black beauty got a new gram, Alfred Smirk. He was a tall, good-looking man, and never abuse Black beauty, and always pats her. Back beauty’s feat got so sore from working, and they treat him but after Black beauty’s feat get better, he got sold again.
Well, so far in this week I read, thing that mostly make me think about is Lady Anne’s fell, because before she even ride on Lizzie. Lizzie’s owner had fold Anne that Lizzie doing no good on women rider, but Anne still rode on her, because she think that she has been riding horses since she was 3. So she can do it, and nothing will stop her. So, finally she fall down.

I think sometime we should listen to other people’s advises. Because things doesn’t happen in the way we thought, and not because we had experience many times, we can use the same measuring every time, thing changes, so listen to people that around you, walk a way that is right.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

The horse seems to have had a lot of different owners so far! Why do you think everyone keeps selling him?